Braintwisters series
How does an optical illusion work? Is intelligence hereditary? How can you optimise your memory? You’ll find the answer to
these and many more questions in the ‘Braintwisters’ series.
This unique collection, primarily assembled as a holiday supplement for newspapers and magazines, includes 10 fascinating books about how our brain works.
Nothing profound; they are thin paperbacks peppered with numerous games, practical tips and interesting facts. The ideal way to relax on a lazy day off.
Ten practical books about how the brain works
Click on the links below to see a short description per title.
To give you a better idea of the concept and layout of the books, you can download a low resolution PDF file (in Dutch) of
How the brain works
Download here the product sheet PDF of our Braintwisters series.
Braintwisters Product sheet
Do not hesitate to contact us
for more information.
09. A brain for every age
Young brains work differently than brains that are a bit older. For example, children learn more quickly than adults, but older people store information more efficiently. Wisdom comes with age, they say. As we get older our brain becomes better at certain tasks. Those who continue to challenge themselves mentally learn new skills.
- Book size: 120mm x 170mm
- 80 pages
- Full colour
- 50% facts & 50% puzzles