Packaging Books

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We are constantly developing new packaged books. As soon as we have new, finished books, they will be added to this page. Click on the links below to see samples of packaged books that we made for some of our clients.

  • Binairo®: Take two—two numbers, that is! All you need to solve these tricky and entertaining binary puzzles are 0, 1, and a little cleverness.

  • You can puzzle it out!: These are brain games at their very best—and it's no puzzle why! The BrainSnack® brand guarantees to train your brain, enhancing logic, imagination, creativity, and memory. This vibrant and appealing collection serves up a wide range of visual and verbal conundrums, from grids and pixel fun to concentration exercises and continuous line challenges.288 pages Full colour.

  • BrainSnack® Draw with numbers: Four books 32 pages to learn anyone how to draw, simply by using the figures from 0 to 9. With our step-by-step instructions, it will take you only a few minutes to draw funny faces, different characters and many other things

  • The BrainSnack® Puzzle Collection: Two books with 300 of the best visual, numerical and logic problems from easy to difficult for adults. Each puzzle carries a symbol that shows you which solving technique you’ll have to concentrate on to find the solution.

  • Futoshiki Volume Series: Four volume books with over 650 top Futoshikis for the whole family, with five variants and three levels of difficulty.

  • Futoshiki Kids Series 1 to 3: full-colour Futoshiki books for children aged 8 and up, with step-by-step explanations and lots of fun variations.

  • Sudoku Kids Series 1 to 3: full-colour Sudoku books for children aged 8 and up, with step-by-step explanations of how to solve a Sudoku and lots of fun variations. Wild Animals, Spaceships, and Farm Animals are published by Sterling Publishing U.S.A.

  • Sudoku Kids Series 4 to 6: full-colour Sudoku books for children aged 8 and up, with step-by-step explanations of how to solve a Sudoku and lots of fun variations.

  • Sudoku Sticker Books Kids : full-colour Sudoku sticker books for children aged 8 and up, with step-by-step explanations available with reusable or permanent stickers.

  • Sudoku Volume Series: Eight volume books with over 700 top Sudokus for the whole family, with six variants and three levels of difficulty.

  • Visual Puzzles pocket books: a collection of 4 pocket books for the visual game fanatics with visual puzzles. Published by Flash in Belgium and Holland in supermarkets.

  • Kakuro Volume books: 700 top Kakuros for the whole family with different grid sizes and three levels of difficulty.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

Sudoku Volume Extra


Sudoku Volume Max


Sudoku Volume Pure


Sudoku Volume Top


Optical Illusions  The brain’s biology  How the brain works  All kinds of memory  Thinking about thinking  Optimise your memory  Brain and psychology  Keeping your brain healthy  A brain for every age  The playful brain

Binairo magazine  Binairo Book  Binairo Volume Book  Brain Trainer magazine  Japanese puzzlemix magazine  Junior Sudoku magazine  Classic Sudoku magazine  Expert Sudoku magazine  Sudoku Fun magazine  Varia Sudoku magazine 

Brain Twisters Book  Draw with number book  Draw with number book  Futoshiki Kids book  Visual Puzzle book  Futoshiki Volume book Sudoku Kids book  Visual Puzzle book  Sudoku Volume book
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